Educational Technology Research

Educational Technology Research
Educational Technology Research

Chapter 1

Educational Technology in Context: The Big Picture Technology Integration: Then and Now Introduction: Why Do We Need the "Big Picture?" To Review What You Learned From This Chapter The Technology Integration Workshop.

Chapter 2

Foundations of Effective  Technology Integrayion: Theory and Practise A Tale of Two Technology Integration Strategies: Which Strategy Works Best? Learning Theories as Bases for Integration Models A Technology Integration Planning Model for Teachers When Technology Works Best: Essential Conditions for Technology Integration to Review What you learned From This Chapter The Technology Integration Workshop Part II Integrating Software and Media Tutors and Tools into Teaching and Learning.

Chapter 3

Teaching with Instructional Software Technolgy Integration Example: The Alien Rescue Project What is Intructional Software? Drill and Practice Software Functions Tutorial Activities Simulation Activities Instructional Game Activities Problem-solving Activities Integrated Learning Systems (ILS) A summary of Instructional Software Integration Strategies Evaluating and Selecting Instructional Software To Review What You Learned From This Chapter The Technology Integration Workshop.

Chapter 4

Teaching with the Three Basic Software Tools: Word Processing, Spreadsheet, and Database Programs Technology Integration Example: Money Management with Spreadsheets: Can You Afford Your Dream Car? Introduction to the basic three software tools Using Word Processing Software in Teaching and Learning Using Spreadsheet Software in Teaching and Learning Using Database Software in Teaching and Learning A Summary of Instructional Software Integration Strategies To Review What You Learned From This Chapter The Technology Integration Workshop.

Chapter 5
Teaching with Software: Beyond the Basic Programs Technology Integration Example: A Desktop-Published Literary Anthology Introduction to Other Software Tools Using Materials Generators Using Data Collection and Analysis Tools Using Graphics Tools Using Planning and Organizing tools Using Research and Reference Tools Using Tools to Support Specific Content Areas To Review What You Learned From This Chapter The Technology Integration Workshop.
Chapter 6

Teaching with Multimedia and Hypermedia Tools Technology Integration Example: Interactive Multimedia Storybooks Introduction to Multimedia and Hypermedia Commercial Hypermedia Software Packages Introduction to Multimedia/ Hypermedia Authoring Tools Type :
1: Presentation Software Authoring Tools Type.
2: Video Production and Editing Systems Authoring Tools Type.
3: Hypermedia Software Multimedia Authoring Tools Type.
4 : Virtual Reality (VR) and Other Immerson Tools.
Chapter 7

Introducing the Internet and Other Distance Learning Tools Technology Integartion Example: A Research Paper Website Background on Distance Education Introducing the Internet Communicating on the internet Offering Courses and Programs with Distance Technologies To Review What You Leraned From This Chapter The Thechnology Integration Workshop.

Chapter 8

Intergarting the Internet ino the Curiculum Technology Integration Example: American Presidency Webquest Background on web-based learning activities Resources for Web Page and Web Site Development Procedures for Developing and Evaluating Web Page and Web Sites To Review What You Learned From This Chapter The Technology Integration Workshop Part IV Integrating chnology Across the Curiculum.
Educational Technology Research
Chapter 9

Technology in English and the Language Arts Technology Integration Example: Classroom Revolutions Introduction Issues and problems in English and language arts instruction Technology Integration strategies for English and language art instruction to review what you learnes from this cahpter the technology integration workshop.
Chapter 10

Technology in Foreign Language and ESOL Instruction Technology Integration Example: A Discussion Board en Francais Issues and problems in ELL and foreign language instruction to review what you learned from this chapter the technology Integration Workshop.
Chapter 11

Technology in Mathematics and Science Instruction Technology Integration Example: Hot and Cold Data! Introduction Issues and problems in mathematics educations Technology Integration strategies for mathematics education useful web sites for mathematics instruction issues and problems in science education technology integration strategies for science education useful web sites for science instruction to review what you learned from this chapter the technology integration workshop.
Chapter 12

Technology in Social Studies Instruction Technology Integration Example: Studying Our Past, Mapping Our Future Introduction Isuues and problems in social studies educations Technology Intergration Strategies for social studies To Review What You Learned From This Chapter The Technology Integration Workshop.