Effective Technology

We had the new mobile devices and platforms, virtualization, cloud computing and more rapid technological development. But we are also a serious economic crisis in 2008. More and more companies are upgrading their OA systems and new technologies. Today, high quality and low cost of the new technology training is what companies are looking for. When the company is planning to implement a new SOFTWARE PRODUCT or a new system to provide them with higher productivity and greater functionality, the training is to have the item before the technology is widely used.
the traditional way of sending employees or users to the costs of the Training Center of mass of money and time, and it means that you will lose the productivity of employees. And the truth shows that in general they do not learn much of the training classes. When they start to use the new application, they meet difficulties everywhere. Recession this year, the options for most enterprises is a cheap solution, that can be used to achieve an effective result. E-learning and knowledge management should not be a popular enterprise education, task-related screencast presentation is a good solution for technology training company. The Screencast is a computer screen, also known as video capture, often containing audio narration to digital recording. It is a powerful tool to demonstrate technical tasks, or to illustrate the technical concepts, which are difficult to explain the words-screen recording and video presentations.
There are two ways to make training screencast: has someone done it or do it yourself screencasting tool. Some professional companies, such as AutoDemo, which makes the software presentation and site tour of the company, but the price is beyond the budget of some of the companies in these difficult times. Make yourself available to produce the demo videos, are many of the applications. What you will need to use the software on your computer in the environment and the content that you want to do. I propose a screencasting tool DemoCreator Windows. Some of the free solutions
such as TipCam or Camstudio can also be the option you want. The most important of the slower is that free applications are almost no editing features. The screencast with step 4, is to go to DemoCreator: prepare the script, save the screen activity recording, Edit and publish your movie. Here we take a look at some of the features of the
Demo Creator:
Save your slides on the screen for easy editing of video tutorials with voice record, DemoCreator, captured, and Show exactly the application (such as PowerPoint, Photoshop, and Web site), or how the system is running.Screen recording will be saved in the slides. This allows users to save the slides you want and delete unwanted slide in the presentation.
Edit interactive objects stored explicitly in the picture library, the tutorial is to decorate the recording, such as Flash animation, buttons, highlight boxes, and an ad for the management of the user to another on a slide or in the URL of the page objects. Users can enhance your presentation by adding a picture of objects. And it allows users to rerecord the narration or sound from the contents of the training. In addition, a number of tutorial projects can be integrated into one.
Publish online training make interactive training presentations, a presentation, use of, the publishing industry, the media type, DemoCreator is a Flash movie and Html compatible with trainers can provide. video tutorials-SCORM or AICC. Demo videos are available through the commercial and open source learning management systems in the school's education.
Effective Technology |
The Screencast is clearer and more engaging than traditional teaching;training-tutorials can be repeated as many times as needed; tutorial videos are for ", at any time, any/" learning ... These advantages make the screencast, the commitments in the field of education, especially in tough economic method for now. The company, training content can be placed in the
Knowledge Management System SharePoint or Moodle Learning Management System such as the distribution of information and training.The employees and trainees learn the technology of the Internet freely.
If you are interested in receiving training, the computer might be a good option would be to vocational school registration. Covering a wide variety of curriculums in the network security, system design and technical assistance, trade school, which provides computer technology training to teach the skills necessary to achieve the rewarding career in this dynamic industry.
Vocational schools may offer the students of the computer with a thorough review of the courses, which include computer applications, system analysis, information systems, database management, information systems, applications, Microsoft applications, network operating systems, open source systems, programming languages, object-oriented design programm