Technological Intelligence

Technological Intelligence

Patents are the main source of technological information. Patent granted to the inventor as a reward for his innovation in the form of exclusive rights to monopoly in a period of 20 years from the date of priority of the invention. Due to advancement in the IT sector and the internet is these valuable documents is now inaccessible to the general public. Any person skilled in the art can go through different patents databases, and after a search can get patents document of their needs. There are various patents databases viz, PATENT ISSUING NUMBERS, EPO, JPO, etc. freely open to public access. If we go through patents related to a specific field of technology, we will be able to find lots of information about lifecycle for technological innovation, Evolutionary path to a specific technology, Technological Development, Technological diversification, Technology Merges, Major players in specific Technological area, Central points in the Specific Technology.

"Organization of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) showed that 90% and 95% of all world inventions are present in the patented documents."

Patent analysis may reveal very valuable INFORMATIONS, which are not available everywhere. After the patent search is the crucial part patent analysis, and one must be very brief on their target of the investigation.Information contained in patent documents can be exploited in different form according to need and plotted accordingly in order to get a picture of the whole analysis in snapshots.

Patent data can be used for the manufacture of technological landscapes.Logistical mathematics and pie mathematics can be very useful in mapping of the technological landscape. It can reveal the Evolutionary trend of the technology, how it is developed from a basic technology, together with the period in which the technological diversification and its nature.

These cards will also give the detailed overview of the merge of the various technologies gives rise to break-through technologies. These types of maps would be very useful for r & d personals to evaluate their research and technology position, and also you will find its way onto more innovate more sophisticated and valuable technology.

In the current global context businesses need to know what technologies can competitors choke easily, and may be trying to. They must also know spaces in technologies, where competition is intense, and the areas where competitors focus their IP development and their r & d efforts. They need to be able to trace the patent acquisition and development strategies and chart out competitive landscape.

If you want to evaluate technology before you make any investment decision, businesses know the pace of patenting activity in the technology patents embody fundamental ideas in technology and how vulnerable the company's technologies is to patent infringements. This will give them much-needed information in deciding whether a product between technology development and technology acquisition.

The ability to extract relevant information from patent literature is an essential success factor for all those involved in technological innovation.The technology mapping technology, which can be used to transform patent information into knowledge that can influence the decision-making process.

Technological Intelligence
Patents are an important source of technological intelligence that companies can use to achieve strategic advantage. Technology Intelligence is a can be used for the collection, analysis, forecasting and management of environmental technology-related information, including patents.Computational patent mapping is a method for the development and use of a technology knowledge base of technology and competitive intelligence.The primary deliverables of patent mapping is in the form of knowledge visualisation through the landscape and maps. These cards provide valuable intelligence on technology evolution/revolution, nature of different types of ground-breaking; large; clean; and new players, state-of-the-art assessment, etc.

These types of technological maps will prove to be a valuable multiplier in r & d and commercialization activities in various ways, including the following:

1. Developing countries further insight into answers to strategic requirements.

2. Forecasting and identifying technological activities and trends in the industry.

3. Participation in visualization of alternative development and growth paths.

4. Activation prevention recognition and action on the potential licensing opportunities.

5. Identifying Potential partners and clients.

6. Identify technology Discontinuities and areas of opportunity in their selected technologies.

7. Monitor and Evaluate the Technological process of competitors and potential competitors.

8. Support decisions on forays and Investments in specific technologies and sub-technologies.

9. Monitoring of Technological progress of Competitors as well as to alert themselves to new entra.