An ideology is a group of ideas that change thoughts, beliefs and actions of people. The thought of ideology comes to ideas with regard to the involvement of the Government, society, morals and nationality on the action. The contrasting elements of my definition of "Ideology", contain the idea that religion forms our moral; Therefore, structures radically our thoughts and ideals. Religion helps shape moral and moral shaping our society without them, the regulations would be dramatically different. An example of controlling moral religion and thoughts are Islamic extremists. They are indoctrinated at birth and manipulated so that a certain way and in a specific religion, but we.
According to Karl Marx and his theory of "Social Reproduction", he believed that ideologies were based on a/superstructure of the economic base of society with regard to religions, political and legal system. The ruling class controls the society's means of production, the superstructure and ideologies. Karl Marx believed that the ruling class handled the ideologies of the alienated class to create "False Consciousness". Often there are rumors that the ideals of Marx on this topic takes a lot which means an economic position. Your thoughts on ideologies are in my opinion, very biased to think about his thoughts on class structure and communism.
The four roles of an ideology are: Orientative and Explanatory, Evaluation, Programmatic. Is a function of questioning explanatory concepts of political, social and economic conditions. Evaluative function is subjective interpret the moral conditions of society, essentially labeling things as "good" or "bad". Orientated function is a derivative of ones self, cultural, ethnic, social and even economic. Additionally, the programmatic function a function of the political system that affects social action, and generally in society. The frame is a fundamental guide for ideologies of understanding, but we must understand the ideals of ideology before a can really evaluate.
Islamic fundamentalism has its roots in religion and faith. They tend to be apathetic to revolution, disinterested in politics and economics, with a constant evasion of Western technology. On the other hand, follows the Communist China Supreme loyalty and dedication. China estimates that the working class and virtuous motivated. However, equality is similar in both countries, the fear of Islamic woman, for the Chinese farmer filthy and beaten near the 5 × 5 hut that.
Of all the people of the world, who need it most ideologies? Without a doubt, political-that they called for the platform to sell your agenda or policy Board. As technological advances change the world, are the evolution of ideology history.
But while most of the technologies of the trembling of the Earth and the definition of time-electricity, steam engine, railroad, aircraft, telex, computer, Internet, mobile, etc. Apparently only emerged in the past century and half, ideologies are shaping the evolution of mankind have, arguably since the dawn of civilization. In fact, defining ideologies civilization. In extreme manifestation that they represent, so easy demonstrated throughout history, people fight, kill and to die for ideologies-selfishness or ignorantly, but mainly innocent.
Funny or may be natural enough, along with the polarization of the economic systems of humanity between socialism and capitalism, political ideologies converge primarily on opposite ends of liberalism and conservatism-at least in the developed world. In fact, there are probably hardly inexperienced new ideas on how people their lives should govern under the Sun.
Business leaders must also ideologies, although not as clear as politicians do. Mainly on the quest to be or do the best in one way or another, is the vision of the company about setting expectations. But it is also an ideology-and in the valuing people, produce superior financial returns or even an environmentally responsible company.
If political ideologies there's probably not much in the business that the human mind no has ever seen. But as far as the clear direction defines an ideology, it's still useful. In fact, as far as the ideologies form of events and history, works sometimes the opposite when people give a favourable way to pragmatism.